第44部分 (第5/7頁)
less frost; and they have deeper soils。 在熱帶地區,山谷似乎是非常有利的地形,因為它們更不容易乾涸,結霜較少,土壤也更肥厚。
2。 If you know the geography well; you must know China has numerous quake… prone areas。 如果你熟悉地理知識,就一定知道中國有許多地區容易地震。
prove[pru:v]v。 證明;結果是,原來是
例句 In 1947 Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl drifted on a balsa…log raft westward with the winds and currents across the Pacific from South America to prove his theory that Pacific islanders were Native Americans (also called American Indians)。 1947年挪威冒險家托爾·海爾達爾用巴爾沙木排隨著風和氣流漂流,從南美洲向西橫跨大西洋來證明他的理論,即太平洋島民是美洲原住民(也稱為印第安人)。
要點 在考查論證某一觀點的文章中,作者通常會用prove來證明其觀點的正確性。此外,在這樣的文章中,還經常會用conclude來總結之前論述的觀點,從而進一步證明。
purely['pjurli]ad。 純粹地,完全地
例句 1。 Particular binations of flora and fauna do not generally e about purely by chance。 特定的動植物組合的出現通常並非純屬偶然。
2。 Just as painted designs on Greek pots may seem to be purely decorative today; whereas in fact they were carefully and precisely worked out so that at the time; their meaning was clear; so it is with Chinese pots。 正如希臘罐子上的畫的設計也許在如今看來只是純粹的裝飾,然而實際上那時候它們是被精心設計出來的,意圖很明確,這與中國的罐子有異曲同工之處。
purpose['p?:rp?s]n。 目的,意圖;用途
例句 The lack of surface water in both the north and the south was probably because of the fact that most of it was quickly used up for agricultural purposes。 南北方都缺乏地表水也許是因為大部分地表水被作為農業用水很快用完了。
要點 在閱讀文章中常常使用purpose來表達作者的意圖,比如:What is the author's primary purpose?
rarely['rerli]ad。 很少;不常
例句 If a customer frequently buys bread; vouchers of