第44部分 (第4/7頁)
2。 A library notice was sent to him at his previous address。 圖書館給他的通知被寄到了他以前的地址。
previously['pri:vi?sli]ad。 以前,先前
例句 1。 Indium had previously been allocated an atomic mass between those of arsenic and selenium。 以前,銦元素的原子質量被排在砷和硒之間。
2。 Steamboats were not only faster but also transported upriver freight for about one tenth of what it had previously cost on hand…propelled keelboats。 汽船不僅更快,它往上游運輸貨物的成本大約是之前的手搖船的十分之一。
要點 previously常出現在閱讀考題的選項中,用於考查對先前文章內容的瞭解。看到這樣的單詞時要準確及時地定位資訊。
primarily[prai'mer?li]ad。 主要地;首先
例句 In a microwave oven; radiation penetrates food and is then absorbed primarily by water molecules; causing heat to spread through the food。 在微波爐中,熱輻射穿透食物,主要被水分子吸收,使高溫在食物中擴散。
要點 primarily經常會在閱讀考題中出現,比如:The author includes the information that“surplus was not a result of domestic craft production but resulted primarily from international trading”。
primary['praimeri]a。 最初的;首要的;基本的
例句 1。 Sometimes primary group relationships evolve out of secondary group relationships。 有時,初級群體關係是從二級群體關係演化而來的。
2。 Not surprisingly; sociologists find that the strength of a group's primary ties has implications for the group's functioning。 意料之中的是,社會學家們發現一個組織主要關係的力量會對這個組織的功能發揮作用。
同義 dominant(a。 首要的)
prone[proun]a。 俯臥的;易於做…的;傾向於…的
搭配 be prone to 易於…;傾向於…
例句 1。 In the tropics; the valleys seem to be more favorable because they are less prone to dry out; they have