第7部分 (第4/7頁)
that influence the succession; such as the nature of the soil; exposure to sun and wind; regularity of precipitation; chance of colonizations; and many other random processes。 許多因素都會影響演替:比如土壤的本質、光和風的影響、降水規律、定居的機會,以及其他的隨機過程。
predator['pred?t?r]n。 捕食性動物;食肉動物;掠奪者
例句 1。 Songbird species that are vulnerable to predators have evolved ways of reducing the dangers of being found and caught。 特別容易受到捕食者攻擊的鳴鳥已經進化出能夠降低危險的方法,使它們不會被找到並捕獲。
2。 Some birds elevate their nests in higher branches maybe in order to avoid predators that are not able to climb trees。 一些鳥把窩建到更高處的樹枝上,這可能是為了躲避那些不會爬樹的掠食者。
同義 carnivore(n。 食肉動物)
progression[pr?'gre?n]n。 前進,程序;連續
例句 Like the scientist explained in the seminar; the fossil formations showed that evolution may be a slow progression。 如同科學家在研討會上解釋的那樣,化石的形成表明進化或許是一個緩慢的過程。
同義 series(n。 連續)
promote[pr?'mout]v。 促進;提升;宣傳
例句 1。 In this case; sedimentation was promoted by higher temperatures and pressures; which is responsible for the formation of petroleum。 在這個例子中,高溫高壓促成的沉澱是石油形成的原因。
2。 In the early decades of the foundation of the United States; the agrarian movement promoted the farmer as society's hero。 在美國建國之初的幾十年間,農業運動把農民宣揚為社會的英雄。
同義 boost; advance(v。 促進)
要點 promote通常指“促進商業銷售”,而在託福閱讀中,promote經常與化石或沉澱物質的形成搭配,如:promote fossilization“促進石化過程”。
propagate['prɑ:p?geit]v。 繁殖;傳播;宣傳
例句 1。 These plants propagate through producing spores; but the spores carry no supply of nutrien