第7部分 (第3/7頁)
pollen['pɑ:l?n]n。 花粉
搭配 bee pollen 蜂花粉
例句 Pollinators obtain food from flowering plants; that makes the plants distribute pollen and seeds much more efficiently than just disperse them by the wind。 傳粉者從開花植物那裡獲得食物,這使植物能夠比僅靠風更加有效地傳播花粉和種子。
pond[pɑ:nd]n。 池塘
例句 In hilly regions; all through a dry summer a pond maintains a steady water level; in spite of having no streams flowing into it。 在丘陵地區,儘管並沒有溪水流入其中,池塘在整個乾涸的夏季中也能保持一個穩定的水位。
porous['p?:r?s]a。 有毛孔或氣孔的;能滲透的
例句 1。 Sedimentary rocks are porous; such as sandstones and conglomerates; and they are all potential sources of groundwater of great significance。 例如砂岩和礫岩等沉積岩都是可以滲透的,它們都是重要的潛在地下水資源。
2。 Some bones are not porous enough to be effectively grafted。 有些骨頭的滲透性不夠強,因此無法對其進行有效的移植。
同義 leachy(a。 能滲透的)
prairie['preri]n。 大草原
搭配 prairie landscape 草原景觀
例句 The Columbian white…tailed deer; was mon in the open prairie country in earlier times; but now it is restricted to the low; marshy islands and flood plains along the lower Columbia River。 哥倫比亞白尾鹿在早期遼闊的草原國家十分常見,如今它們的生活區域卻被限制於低地、沼澤以及哥倫比亞河下游的洪泛平原地區。
precipitate[pri'sipiteit]v。 促成;降水;沉澱 n。 沉澱物
搭配 infusible precipitate 不溶性沉澱物
例句 A great deal of water was lost by evaporation; but it returned to the ocean when it was precipitated as rain。 大量的水因蒸發而流失,最後又以降雨的形式回到了海中。
precipitation[pri?sipi'tei?n]n。 降雨量;沉澱
搭配 precipitation intensity 降雨強度
例句 There are many factors