第21章 太陽日33 (第1/3頁)
AmIcItAS 飛行任務三 – 任務日30
ARES 3 太陽日33
REF S dRV SpEcS ShowS dIm LmtR mSSNG FRm S dRV tpt Sp ARRAY. REF YR Rpt INcdt hYpoS obJ AVoId pARAm tRIppEd RSLt UNtRcEbLE 5d JUmp & NoVEL pwR SURGE to FUEL JUmp. SURGE oVRLd bAtt, Att moRE pwR dRAw p, NoVEL mG VAcUUm RSLt FAIL cAScAdE mN pwR. FAILSAFE FAIL dUE to NoVEL UNANtcp coNd. tRAcE oF ENV SYS Sp INcoNcLUSIVE dUE to Low SIGNAL, NoVEL VEctoR. pREp 2Nd mSG pRocEd cYcLE tELp Sp. ct whN RdY.
(解碼如下:\"Reference to the Sparkle drive specifications shows the dimensional limiter is missing from the teleport spell array. based on your incident report we hypothesize that the automatic object-avoidance parameter was tripped, resulting in an untraceable five-dimensional jump and unexpected power surge to fuel the jump. the surge overloaded the batteries, which attempted to draw more power to pensate, and the unexpected magic vacuum resulted in a failure cascade of the main power system. the power cascade failsafe failed due to the unexpected and unanticipated conditions. trace of environmental system spell