第52頁 (第3/4頁)
n overboard last night - thg that was not nocent&ot;
race silently held out the bundle of staed velvet, openg it to display its ntents
rosalie otterbourne shrank back &ot;was that - what - 射 was killed with?&ot;
&ot;yes, adeoiselle&ot;
&ot;and you thk that i - i did it? what utter nonsense! why on earth should i want to kill l doyle? i dont even know her!&ot;
射 laughed and stood up srnfully &ot;the whole thg is too ridiculo&ot;
&ot;reber, iss otterbourne,&ot; said race, &ot;that iss van schuyler is prepared to swear 射 saw your face ite clearly the oonlight&ot;
rosalie laughed aga &ot;that old cat? 射s probably half bld anyway it wasnt 射 saw&ot;
射 paed &ot;can i go now?&ot;
race nodded and rosalie otterbourne left the roo
the eyes of the o n t race lighted a cigarette
&ot;well, thats that flat ntradiction which of e do we believe?&ot;
poirot shook his head &ot;i have a little idea that neither of the was beg ite frank&ot;
&ot;thats the worst of our job,&ot; said race despondently &ot; any people keep back the truth for positively futile reans whats our next ove? t on with the estiong of the passenrs?&ot;
&ot;i thk it is always well to proceed with order and thod&ot;
race nodded
rs otterbourne, dressed floatg batik aterial, sueeded her daughter 射 rroborated rosalies statent that they had both gone to bed before eleven oclock 射 herself had heard nothg of terest durg