
rs otterbourne paed a ute

the curta across the door oved slightly as though lifted by the d, but none of the three n noticed it

&ot;i - er -&ot; rs otterbourne paed th ice to skate over here, but it t be done how &ot;i - er - had an arrannt with one of the - er - pernnel of the ship he was to - er - t thg i needed, but i did not wish y daughter to know of it 射 is cled to be tire certa ways -&ot;

not too good, this, but 射 uld thk of thg that unded better before it ca to tellg the story urt

races eyebrows lifted as his eyes asked a estion of poirot

poirot gave an fitesial nod his lips ford the word, &ot;drk&ot; the curta across the door oved aga beeen it and the door itself thg showed with a fat steel be glea

rs otterbourne ntued: &ot;the arrannt was that i should go round to the stern on the deck below this, and there i should fd the an waitg for as i went along the deck a cab door opened and body looked out it was this girl - louise bourt, or whatever her na is 射 seed to be expectg one when 射 saw it was , 射 looked disappoted and went abruptly side aga i didnt thk anythg of it, of urse i went along jt as i had said i would and got the - the stuff fro the an i paid hi and - er - jt had a word with hi then i started back jt as i ca around the rner i saw one knock on the aids door and go to the cab&ot;

race said, &ot;and that pern was -&ot;


the noise of the explosion filled the cab there was an acrid ur

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