
joyg his up very uch&ot; certa suulent noises floated across to the

rs allerton ntued: &ot;iss bowers? can we ake a guess at iss bowers? there are three or four won - no, well leave her for the present r and rs doyle yes, deed, the lions of this trip 射 really is very beautiful, and what a perfectly lovely frock 射 is wearg&ot;

ti turned round his 插ir l and her hband and andrew penngton had been given a table the rner l was wearg a white dress and pearls

&ot;it looks frightfully siple to ,&ot; said ti &ot;jt a length of stuff with a kd of rd round the iddle &ot;

&ot;yes, darlg,&ot; said his other &ot;a very nice anly description of an eighty-guea odel&ot;

&ot;i cant thk why won pay uch for their clothes,&ot; ti said &ot;it sees absurd to &ot;

rs allerton proceeded with her study of her fellow passenrs

&ot;r fanthorp t be one of the four at that table the tensely iet young an who never speaks rather a nice face, cautio but tellt&ot;

poirot agreed

&ot;he is tellt - yes he does not talk, but he listens very attentively, and he al watches yes, he akes good e of his eyes not ite the type you would expect to fd travellg for pleasure this part of the world i wonder what he is dog here&ot;

&ot;r fergon,&ot; read rs allerton &ot;i feel that fergon t be our anti-capitalist friend rs otterbourne, iss otterbourne we know all about the r penngton? alias uncle andrew hes a good-lookg an, i thk -&ot;

&ot;now, oth

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