
ant buy with cash you buy with a sile result: l ridway, the girl who has everythg&ot;

&ot;dont be ridiculo, joanna!&ot;

&ot;well, havent you got everythg?&ot;

&ot;i suppose i have it unds rather disgtg, how!&ot;

&ot;of urse its disgtg, darlg! youll probably t terribly bored and blasé by and by the anti, enjoy the triuphal progress the golden car only i wonder, i really do wonder, what will happen when you want to go down a street which has a board up sayg no thoroughfare&ot;

&ot;dont be idiotic, joanna&ot; as lord dlesha joed the, l said, turng to hi, &ot;joanna is sayg the nastiest thgs to &ot;

&ot;all spite, darlg, all spite,&ot; said joanna vaguely as 射 got up fro her seat 射 ade no apology for leavg the 射 had caught the glt dleshas eye

he was silent for a ute or o then he went straight to the pot

&ot;have you e to a decision, l?&ot;

l said slowly: &ot;a i beg a brute? i suppose, if i not sure, i ought to say no -&ot;

he terrupted her

&ot;dont say it you shall have ti - as uch ti as you want but i thk, you know, we should be happy tother&ot;

&ot;you see,&ot; ls tone was apolotic, alost childish, &ot;i enjoyg yself uch - especially with all this&ot; 射 waved a hand &ot;i wanted to ake wode hall to y real ideal of a untry hoe, and i do thk ive got it nice, dont you?&ot;

&ot;its beautiful beautifully planned everythg perfect youre very clever, l&ot;

he paed a ute and wen

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