
&ot;hullo, l,&ot; said jacele de bellefort &ot; here you are! we never see to s runng to each other hullo, sion, how are you?&ot;

l doyle had shrunk back agast the rock with a little cry sion doyles good-lookg face was suddenly nvulsed with ra he oved forward as though he would have liked to strike the sli girlish figure

with a ick bird-like turn of her head 射 signalled her realization of a stranrs presence sion turned his head and noticed poirot he said awkwardly, &ot;hullo, jacele; we didnt expect to see you here&ot;

the words were unnvcg the extre

the girl fla射d white teeth at the

&ot;ite a surprise?&ot; 射 asked then, with a little nod, 射 walked up the path poirot oved delicately the opposite direction as he went he heard l doyle say:

&ot;sion - for gods sake! sion - what can we do?&ot;

插pter 2

dner was over the terrace outside the cataract hotel was ftly lit ost of the guests stayg at the hotel were there sittg at little tables

sion and l doyle ca out, a tall, distgui射d lookg grey-haired an, with a keen, clean-shaven arican face, beside the

as the little group hesitated for a ont the doorway, ti allerton rose fro his 插ir near by and ca forward

&ot;you dont reber , i sure,&ot; he said pleasantly to l, &ot;but i joanna uthwoods &ot;

&ot;of urse - how stupid of ! youre ti allerton this is y hband -&ot; a fat treor the voice, pride, shyness? - &ot;and this is y arican trtee, r penngton

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關於失落的深空: 公元23世紀末,地球溫室效應全面爆發的末土時代,極端天氣是常態,火山地震更是家常便飯,生物基因突變、冰封病毒重現,核汙染等導致變異野獸橫行。人類在氣候和怪獸雙重擠壓下,生存空間不斷縮小,面對不可逆轉的文明大滅絕,人類除了延緩滅絕倒計時,也別無選擇的向那未知的浩瀚星空去尋找希望渺茫的生存家園。然而,深邃的星空,浩瀚的宇宙,無底的宇宙秘境到處充滿著可怕的未知…
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