grieves or prays。 He said something then in his strange; almost Southern voice。 I heard it with perfect clarity; and although I didn't know much about what he'd done then … you don't need to know about what a man's done in order to feed him and groom him until it's time for him to pay off what he owes … it still gave me a chill。
〃I couldn't help…it; boss;〃 he said。 〃I tried to take it back; but it was too late!'
〃You're going to have you some trouble with Percy;〃 Harry said as we walked back up the hall and into my office。 Dean Stanton; sort of my third in mand … we didn't actually have such things; a situation Percy Wetmore would have fixed up in a flash … was sitting behind my desk; updating the files; a job I never seemed to get around to。 He barely looked up as we came in; just gave his little glasses a shove with the ball of his thumb and dived back into his paperwork。
〃I been having trouble with that peckerwood since the day he came here;〃 I said; gingerly; pulling my pants away from my crotch and wincing。 〃Did you hear what he was shouting when he brought that big galoot down?〃
〃Couldn't very well not;〃 Harry said。 〃I was there; you know。〃
〃I was in the john and heard it just fine;〃 Dean said。 He drew a sheet of paper to him; held it up into the light so I could see there was a coffee…ring as well as typing on it; and then tossed it into the waste basket。 'Dead man walking。' Must have read that in one of those magazines he