第44部分 (第2/7頁)
peculiarity[pi?kju:li'?r?ti]n。 特色,獨特性;怪癖
例句 1。 He was strongly attracted by her peculiarities of dress and behaviour。 他被她獨具特色的穿衣風格和行為舉止深深地吸引了。
2。 The gypsum was found to possess peculiarities of position and structure that suggested it had formed on desert flats。 石膏被發現具有合成物的特點和結構,暗示它是在沙漠平原形成的。
peripheral[p?'rif?r?l]a。 不重要的;外圍的;周圍(神經系統)的
搭配 peripheral nerves 末梢神經
例句 1。 The stability of Middle Eastern governments was threatened by their lack of control over international trade patterns and over their own peripheral territories。 缺乏對國際貿易模式及自身外圍地區的控制威脅到中東政權的穩定。
2。 Peripheral people had a great advantage in their dealings with the center; making government authority insecure and anxious。 外圍的人們在與中央打交道時擁有很大優勢,使政府當局感到焦慮不安。
要點 作者一般用peripheral來描述不重要的人或事物,比如:peripheral territory“外圍地帶”,peripheral people“無關緊要的人”。
positive['pɑ:z?tiv]a。 肯定的;積極的;樂觀的
搭配 positive charge 正電荷
例句 1。 The stream of positive particles that meets the surge of electrons from the cloud often results from a tall…pointed structure such as a metal flagpole or a tower。 帶有正電荷的電流遇上來自雲裡的電子激增,這通常源於一個高而尖的建築結構,譬如金屬旗杆或塔。
2。 He believed writer should stress the positive aspects of life。 他認為作家應該著重展現生活的積極面。
要點 positive常用來表達作者的態度,是“積極的”意思,與其相反的表達是negative“消極的”。
precede[pri'si:d]v。 在…之前,先於
例句 The idea of sea…floor spreading actually preceded the theory of plate tectonics。 海底擴充套件概念實際上先於板塊構造理論。
同義 forerun(v。 先於)