
&ot;no,&ot; he said, &ot;i dont see it d, ive got a fat idea what youre drivg at, but as far as i can see, it doesnt work&ot;

&ot;but yes - but yes you are seeg only half the truth and reber this - we t start aga fro the begng, sce our first nception was entirely wrong&ot;

race ade a slight griace

&ot;i ed to that it often sees to thats all detective work is, wipg out your false starts and begng aga&ot;

&ot;yes, it is very true, that and it is jt what people will not do they nceive a certa theory, and everythg has to fit to that theory if one little fact will not fit it, they throw it aside but it is always the facts that will not fit that are significant all along i have realized the significance of that pistol beg reoved fro the scene of the cri i knew that it ant thg, but what that thg was i only realized one little half hour ago&ot;

&ot;and i still dont see it!&ot;

&ot;but you will! only reflect along the les i dicated and now let clear up this atter of a telegra that is, if the herr doktor will adit &ot; dr bessner was still a very bad huour answer to their knock he disclosed a swlg face

&ot;what is it? once ore you wish to see y patient? but i tell you it is not wise he has fever he has had ore than enough excitent today&ot;

&ot;jt one estion,&ot; said race &ot;nothg ore, i assure you&ot;

with an unwillg grunt the doctor oved aside and the o n entered the cab dr bessner, growlg to hiself, pu射d past

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