(durg the snappg of the frs)
禮尚往來境界高,風輕雲淡樂逍遙。有趣人間歡樂多,無煩無惱無憂愁。(whoever is always ready to enura and support each other has an ideal state of d and can enjoy a free and leisurely life with light breeze and pale cloudsthose who enjoy actively terestg uls are full of joy and happess and free fro all worries and anxieties)
gx1t:nai ai您好!聽說您神通廣大,凡有問必有所答。
nai ai:神通廣大不敢自誇,功勞一半歸大資料。曾經有人將大資料比作金礦,我只是那個開採最勤奮的人。擁有大資料不開採,價值必將大打折扣。