第25頁 (第2/4頁)
arted on their seven-day journey to the send cataract and back
behd the a light silvery laugh rang out l whipped round
jacele de bellefort was standg there 射 seed aed
&ot;hullo, l! i didnt expect to fd you here i thought you said you were stayg at assuan another ten days this is a surprise!&ot;
&ot;you - you didnt -&ot; ls tongue stared 射 forced a ghastly nventional sile &ot;i - i didnt expect to see you either&ot;
jacele oved away to the other side of the boat ls grasp on her hbands ar tightened
&ot;sion - sion -&ot;
all doyles good-natured pleasure had gone he looked furio his hands clenched theselves spite of his effort at self-ntrol
the o of the oved a little away without turng his head poirot caught scraps of disjoted words:
&ot; turn back ipossible we uld&ot; and then, slightly louder, doyles voice, despairg but gri: &ot;we cant run away for ever, l weve got to go through with it now&ot;
it was hours later daylight was jt fadg poirot stood the glass-enclosed saloon lookg straight ahead the karnak was gog through a narrow the rocks ca down with a kd of 射er ferocity to the river flog deep and swift beeen the they were nubia now he heard a ovent and l doyle stood by his side her frs isted and unisted theselves; 射 looked as he had never yet seen her look there was about her the air of a bewildered child 射 said:
&ot;onsieur poirot, i afraid - i afraid of everythg ive never fe