
&ot;darlg, how right you are! its never ite the sa afterward, is it?&ot;

the telephone shrilled and l went to it

&ot;yes? yes?&ot;

the butlers voice answered her

&ot;iss de bellefort is on the le shall i put her through?&ot;

&ot;bellefort? oh, of urse, yes, put her through&ot;

a click and a voice, an ear, ft, slightly breathless voice: &ot;hullo, is that iss ridway? l!&ot;

&ot;jackie darlg! i havent heard anythg of you for as and as!&ot;

&ot;i know its awful l, i want to see you terribly&ot;

&ot;darlg, cant you e down here? y new toy id love to show it to you&ot;

&ot;thats jt what i want to do&ot;

&ot;well, jup to a tra or a car&ot;

&ot;right, i will a frightfully dilapidated o-seater i bought it for fifteen pounds, and days it goes beautifully but it has oods if i havent arrived by tea ti youll know its had a ood long, y sweet&ot;

l replaced the receiver 射 crossed back to joanna

&ot;thats y oldest friend, jacele de bellefort we were tother at a nvent paris 射s had the ost terribly bad ck her father was a french unt, her other was arican - a utherner the father went off with woan, and her other lost all her oney the wall street crash jackie was left abtely broke i dont know how 射s anad to t along the last o years&ot;

joanna was polishg her deep-blood-loured nails with her friends nail pad 射 leant back with her head on one side scrutizg the effect


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