第34部分 (第2/7頁)
depression[di'pre?n]n。 憂愁;窪地;低氣壓;不景氣
例句 Southern people obtained water by collecting and storing rainwater in sealed depressions。 南方人透過在封閉的窪地裡蓄積雨水來獲得水源。
要點 depression平時多用作“不景氣,蕭條;沮喪”等詞義,但在託福閱讀中也出現過這個單詞作為“窪地”的用法。
deprive[di'praiv]v。 使失去,剝奪
搭配 deprive of 剝奪,失去
例句 1。 They have the same length as the daily activity cycles of animals that are not deprived of the influence of external environment。 他們與動物的日常活動週期相同,都受外部環境的影響。
2。 When deprived of water; this kind of flower will die soon。 這種花如果缺水,很快就會死去。
description[di'skrip?n]n。 描寫,形容;種類;性質
例句 Maturation of the frontal lobes of the brain is important for the long…term memory of motor activities but it doesn't work for verbal descriptions。 大腦額葉的發育成熟對肌動活動的長期記憶很重要,但對言語表達不起作用。
desirable[di'zai?r?bl]a。 值得想望的;值得擁有的;有利的
例句 1。 The more sophisticated societies became; the better they could influence desirable occurrences through ritualized theater。 社會變得越是複雜,越是能透過儀式化的劇場表演影響著事件向所願的方向發展。
2。 Streams flowed where nature intended them to and water…driven factories had to be built on the river banks whether or not the location was desirable for other reasons。 溪流所經之處由大自然而定,因此無論這個選址是否可取,水力工廠都必須建在河岸上。
diameter[dai'?mit?r]n。 直徑
例句 1。 The negatively charged region is several hundred meters thick and several kilometers in diameter。 帶負電的區域有幾百米厚,直徑有幾千米。
2。 The channel is only a few centimeters in diameter; but it is wide enough for electrons to follow the chan