
the possibilities that ay arise when one is ot one ight easily say to oneself, if a car ca out fro that crossroad - or if that lorry backed suddenly - or if the wheel ca off the car that is approachg - or if a dog juped off the hed onto y drivg ar - eh bien, i should probably be killed! but one ass, and ually rightly, that none of these thgs will happen, and that one will t to ones journeys end but if, of urse, one has been an aident, or seen one or ore aidents, then one is cled to take the opposite pot of view&ot;

jacele asked, half silg through her tears, &ot;are you tryg to nle , onsieur poirot?&ot;

&ot;the bon dieu knows what i a tryg to do! you should not have e on this journey&ot;

&ot;no - i wish i hadnt its been - awful but - it will be on over now&ot;

&ot;ais oui - ais oui&ot;

&ot;and sion will go to the hospital, and theyll give the proper treatnt and everythg will be all right&ot;

&ot;you speak like the child! and they lived happily ever afterward that is it, is it not?&ot;

射 f射d suddenly scarlet

&ot;onsieur poirot, i never ant - never -&ot;

&ot;it is too on to thk of such a thg! that is the proper hypocritical thg to say, is it not? but you are partly a lat, adeoiselle jacele you should be able to adit facts even if they do not und very dero le roi est ort - vive le roi! the sun has gone and the oon rises that is , is it not?&ot;

&ot;you dont understand hes jt rry for - awfully rry for , beca

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