
&ot;, i work with y bras and a not ashad of it,&ot; said poirot, answerg the glance

r fergon rely snorted

&ot;ought to be shot - the lot of the!&ot; he asserted

&ot;y dear young an,&ot; said poirot, &ot;what a passion you have for violence!&ot;

&ot;can you tell of any good that can be done without it? youve got to break down and destroy before you can build up&ot;

&ot;it is certaly uch easier and uch noisier and uch ore spectacular&ot;

&ot;what do you do for a livg? nothg at all, i bet probably call yourself a iddle an&ot;

&ot;i a not a iddle an i a a an,&ot; declared hercule poirot with slight arrogance

&ot;what are you?&ot;

&ot;i a a detective,&ot; said hercule poirot with the odest air of one who says &ot;i a a kg&ot;

&ot;good god!&ot; the young an seed serioly taken aback &ot;do you an that girl actually totes about a dub dick? is 射 as careful of her precio sk as that?&ot;

&ot;i have no nnection whatever with onsieur and ada doyle,&ot; said poirot stiffly &ot;i a on a holiday&ot;

&ot;enjoyg a vacation - eh?&ot;

&ot;and you? is it not that you are on a holiday al?&ot;

&ot;holiday!&ot; r fergon snorted then he added cryptically, &ot;i studyg nditions&ot;

&ot;very terestg,&ot; urured poirot and oved ntly out onto the deck

iss van schuyler was establi射d the best rner rnelia knelt front of her, her ars outstretched with a ske of grey wool upon the iss bowers

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