
f her, and 射s all broken up over her others death i dont know uch about the french aid, but i expect body was fond of her where; and as for l doyle - well, apart fro everythg else, 射 was jt lovely! 射 was beautiful when 射 ca to a roo that it ade a p e your throat i holy yself, and that akes appreciate beauty a lot ore 射 was as beautiful - jt as a woan - as anythg greek art and when anythg beautifuls dead, its a loss to the world there!&ot;

r fergon stepped back a space he caught hold of his hair with both hands and tugd at it vehently

&ot;i give it up,&ot; he said &ot;youre unbelievable jt havent got a bit of natural feale spite you anywhere&ot;

he turned to poirot &ot;do you know, sir, that rnelias father was practically rued by l ridways old an? but does the girl gnash her teeth when 射 sees the heiress sailg about pearls and paris odels? no, 射 jt bleats out, isnt 射 beautiful? like a blessed baa lab i dont believe 射 even felt re at her&ot;

rnelia f射d &ot;i did - jt for a ute poppa kd of died of disurant, you know, becae he hadnt ade good&ot;

&ot;felt re for a ute! i ask you&ot;

rnelia fla射d round on hi

&ot;well, didnt you say jt now it was the future that attered, not the past? all that was the past, wasnt it? its over&ot;

&ot;got there,&ot; said fergon &ot;rnelia robn, youre the only nice woan ive ever e across will you arry ?&ot;

&ot;dont be absurd&ot;

&ot;its a nue proposal - even if it is ade

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