
race said ldly: &ot;doyle never left the loun on the night of the trady till he was shot at and wounded the leg the ipossibility of his walkg a step after that is attested to by a doctor and a nurse - both dependent and reliable witnesses sion doyle uld not have killed his wife he uld not have killed louise bourt he ost defitely did not kill rs otterbourne! you know that as well as we do&ot;

&ot;i know he didnt kill her&ot; penngton unded a little calr &ot;all i say is, why pick on when i dont benefit by her death?&ot;

&ot;but, y dear sir,&ot; poirots voice ca ft as a purrg cat, &ot;that is rather a atter of opion ada doyle was a keen woan of bess, fully nversant of her own affairs and very ick to spot any irregularity as on as 射 took up the ntrol of her property, which 射 would have done on her return to england, her spicions were bound to be aroed but now that 射 is dead and that her hband, as you have jt poted out, herits, the whole thg is different sion doyle knows nothg whatever of his wifes affairs except that 射 was a rich woan he is of a siple, trtg disposition you will fd it easy to place plicated statents before hi, to volve the real issue a of figures, and to delay settlent with pleas of legal foralities and the recent depression i thk that it akes a very nsiderable difference to you whether you deal with the hband or the wife&ot;

penngton shrugd his shoulders

&ot;your ideas are - fantastic&ot;

&ot;ti will show&ot;


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