
&ot;why, yes, rs robn&ot;

&ot;what a lovely trip!&ot;

&ot;why, yes, i should thk it would be very enjoyable&ot;

&ot;but youve been abroad before?&ot;

&ot;oh, yes, rs robn i went over to paris with iss van schuyler last fall but ive never been to egypt before&ot;

rs robn hesitated

&ot;i do hope - there wont be any - trouble&ot;

射 had lowered her voice iss bowers, however, replied her ual tone:

&ot;oh, no, rs robn; i shall take good care of that i keep a very sharp look-out always&ot;

but there was still a fat shadow on rs robns face as 射 slowly ntued down the stairs

插pter 10

his office down town r andrew penngton was openg his pernal ail suddenly his fist clenched itself and ca down on his desk with a bang; his face cred and o big ves stood out on his forehead he pressed a buzzer on his desk and a sart lookg stenographer appeared with ndable proptitude &ot;tell r rockford to step here&ot;

&ot;yes, r penngton&ot;

a few utes later, stedale rockford, penngtons partner, entered the office the o n were not unlike - both tall, spare, with greyg hair and clean-shaven, clever faces

&ot;whats up, penngton?&ot;

penngton looked up fro the letter he was re-readg he said, &ot;ls arried&ot;


&ot;you heard what i said! l ridways arried!&ot;

&ot;how? when? why didnt we hear about it?&ot;

penngton glanced at the calendar on his desk


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