open。 How serious was this? “To who? ”Harry asked。
“To Juana; ”Michael said。 “We’re in love。”
Love。 Love had found its way through the hospital doors; over two bodies that refused to work for their owners and penetrated their hearts—despite the fact that the two patients were unable to feed or cloth themselves; required ventilators just to breath and could never walk again。 Michael had spinal muscular atrophy; Juana had multiple sclerosis。
Just how serious this marriage idea was; became quite apparent when Michael pulled out the engagement ring and beamed as he hadn’t done in years。 In fact; the staff had never seen a kinder; sweeter Michael; who had been one of the angriest men Harry’s employees had ever worked with。
The reason for Michael’s anger was understandable。 For twenty…five years; he had lived his life at a medical center where his mother had placed him at age nine and visited him several times a week until she died。 He was always a raspy sort of guy; who cussed out his nurses routinely; but at least he felt he had family at the hospital。 The patients were his friends。
There even had been a girl once who went about in a squeaky wheelchair who he was sure had eyed him。 But she hadn’t stayed long at the center。 And after spending more than half his life there; now Michael wasn’t going to get to stay either。
The center was closing; and Michael was shipped to live at the rehabilitation hospital; far from his frie