
poirot altered his tone he leant forward; his voice was nfidential, appealg he said very ntly, &ot;why do you d uch, ada?&ot;

&ot;why? but its addeng! irritatg to the last degree! ive told you why!&ot;

poirot shook his head

&ot;not altother&ot;

&ot;what do you an?&ot; l asked aga

poirot leant back, folded his ars and spoke a detached ipernal anner &ot;eutez, ada i will reunt to you a little history it is that one day, a onth or o ago, i a dg a restaurant london at the table next to are o people, a an and a girl they are very happy, it sees, very uch love they talk with nfidence of the future it is not that i listen to what is not ant for ; they are ite oblivio of who hears the and who does not the ans back is to , but i can watch the girls face it is very tense 射 is love - heart, ul and body - and 射 is not of those who love lightly and often with her it is clearly the life and the death they are engad to be arried, these o; that is what i gather; and they talk of where they shall pass the days of their honeyoon they plan to go to egypt&ot;

he paed l said sharply &ot;well?&ot;

poirot went on: &ot;that is a onth or o ago, but the girls face - i do not fet it i know that i shall reber if i see it aga and i reber too the ans voice and i thk you can guess, ada, when it is i see the one and hear the other aga it is here egypt the an is on his honeyoon, yes - but he is on his honeyoon with another woan&ot;

l said s

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