
ot; 射 drawled, &ot;wont that be rather tire? if any isfortunes happen to y friends i always drop the at once! it unds heartless, but it saves such a lot of trouble later! they always want to borrow oney off you, or else they start a dressakg bess and you have to t the ost terrible clothes fro the or they pat lapshades, or do batik scarves&ot;

&ot; if i lost all y oney, youd drop toorrow?&ot;

&ot;yes, darlg, i would you cant say i not honest about it! i only like suessful people and youll fd thats true of nearly everybody - only ost people wont adit it they jt say that really they cant put up with ary or eily or pala any ore! her troubles have ade her bitter and peculiar, poor dear!&ot;

&ot;how beastly you are, joanna!&ot;

&ot;i only on the ake, like everyone else&ot;

&ot;i not on the ake!&ot;

&ot;for obvio reans! you dont have to be rdid when good-lookg, iddle-ad arican trtees pay you over a vast allowance every arter&ot;

&ot;and youre wrong about jacele,&ot; said l &ot;射s not a spon ive wanted to help her, but 射 wont let 射s as proud as the devil&ot;

&ot;whats 射 such a hurry to see you for? ill bet 射 wants thg! you jt wait and see&ot;

&ot;射 unded excited about thg,&ot; aditted l &ot;jackie always did t frightfully worked up over thgs 射 once stuck a penknife to one!&ot;

&ot;darlg, how thrillg!&ot;

&ot;a boy who was teasg a dog jackie tried to t hi to s he wouldnt 射 pulled hi and shook hi but he wa

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