
rnelia robn said herently: &ot;oh, onsieur poirot, isnt it wonderful? i an theyre big and peaceful - and lookg at the akes one feel that ones sall and - and rather like an sect - and that nothg atters very uch really, does it?&ot;

r fanthorp, who was standg near by, urured, &ot;very - er - ipressive&ot;

&ot;grand, isnt it?&ot; said sion doyle, strollg up he went on nfidentially to poirot: &ot;you know, i not uch of a fellow for teples and sight-seeg and all that, but a place like this rt of ts you, if you know what i an those old pharaohs t have been wonderful fellows&ot;

the others had drifted away sion lowered his voice

&ot;i no end glad we ca on this trip its - well, its cleared thgs up aazg why it should - but there it is ls got her nerve back 射 says its becae 射s actually faced the bess at last&ot;

&ot;i thk that is very probable,&ot; said poirot

&ot;射 says that when 射 actually saw jackie on the boat 射 felt terrible - and then, suddenly, it didnt atter any ore were both agreed that we wont try and dod her any ore well jt et her on her own ground and show her that this ridiculo stunt of hers doesnt worry a bit its jt daned bad for - thats all 射 thought 射d got badly rattled, but now, well, we jt arent rattled any ore that ought to show her&ot;

&ot;yes,&ot; said poirot thoughtfully

&ot; thats splendid, isnt it?&ot;

&ot;oh, yes, yes&ot;

l ca along the deck 射 was dressed a ft shade of aprit len 射 w

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