
rnelia sat down aga

&ot;we girls t stick tother,&ot; said jacele

射 threw back her head and laughed - a shrill laugh without rrt the send drk ca

&ot;have thg,&ot; said jacele

&ot;no, thank you very uch,&ot; replied rnelia

jacele tilted back her 插ir 射 hud now loudly:

&ot;he was her an and he did her wrong&ot;

r fanthorp turned a pa of europe fro with

sion doyle picked up a agaze

&ot;really, i thk ill go to bed,&ot; said rnelia &ot;its ttg very late&ot;

&ot;you cant go to bed yet,&ot; jacele declared &ot;i forbid you to tell all about yourself&ot;

&ot;well - i dont know there isnt uch to tell,&ot; rnelia faltered &ot;ive jt lived at ho, and i havent been around uch this is y first trip to europe i jt lovg every ute of it&ot;

jacele laughed

&ot;youre a happy rt of pern, arent you? god, id like to be you&ot;

&ot;oh! would you? but i an - i sure -&ot;

rnelia felt fstered undoubtedly iss de bellefort was drkg too uch that wasnt exactly a novelty to rnelia 射 had seen plenty of drunkenness durg prohibition years but there was thg else

jacele de bellefort was talkg to her - was lookg at her - and yet, rnelia felt, it was as though, how, 射 was talkg to one else

but there were only o other people the roo, r fanthorp and r doyle r fanthorp seed ite abrbed his book r doyle was lookg rather odd - a eer rt of watchful look on his face

jacele said aga, &ot;tell

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關於失落的深空: 公元23世紀末,地球溫室效應全面爆發的末土時代,極端天氣是常態,火山地震更是家常便飯,生物基因突變、冰封病毒重現,核汙染等導致變異野獸橫行。人類在氣候和怪獸雙重擠壓下,生存空間不斷縮小,面對不可逆轉的文明大滅絕,人類除了延緩滅絕倒計時,也別無選擇的向那未知的浩瀚星空去尋找希望渺茫的生存家園。然而,深邃的星空,浩瀚的宇宙,無底的宇宙秘境到處充滿著可怕的未知…
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