It spiny lobster?It seems not more than 10kg,quanity very less)”亦嘉轉頭問山姆道。
SUmmUY 讓工人用手抄網撈一網起來,看到裡面有小青龍也有花龍蹦蹦亂跳,水花都濺在臉上,開心極了,只聽SUmmUY 道:“almost Is spriny loster In here, hennrey,dont worry(這兒幾乎都是小青龍,hENNREY,別擔心)”SUmmUY笑著道:“some of flower lobster,but very less,but flower lobster price Is highter than spriny lobster,I will offer you same price ,Is It ok?(花龍有一點但數量少,我都給你同樣的價格,怎麼樣,夠朋友了吧?)”
“that‘s ok ,but smae price i sell In china market becausee less quanity(那是好,但是因為數量少我在中國也是與小青龍同樣的價格賣掉)”亦嘉道:“whats price now?(現在什麼價格)”
“go to my office for talking,plz hennrey(請到我辦公室談,hennrey)”SUmmUY甩手做個邀請動作,亦嘉不客氣跟著他到辦公室裡,剛坐下,一個工人便遞上一杯熱騰騰的奶茶,亦嘉肚子也有點餓了,聞著奶香味,端起來便喝口,“啊喲”一聲便噴出來,淚水差點流下來,沒想到這奶茶這麼燙。在旁的SUmmUY一見哈哈大笑起來:“ how AboUt INdIA tEA?(印度奶茶味道怎麼樣?)”
聞著奶香卻又苦又澀的奶茶,亦嘉匝匝嘴道:“delicious,(好味道)”隨之又苦笑道:“but a little bitter(但有點苦)”
“hennrey,this Is speciaty of indai tea.(hennrey這是印度奶茶的特色)”SUmmUY胖乎乎的黑臉笑著道:“you need to stay here for long time,shoud to get used to it(你要長期呆在這裡,要適應這口味呀)”
亦嘉不在客套,問道:“小青龍現在是什麼價格?(plz tell me what;s price for spriny lobster)”
“the price Is determined by quanity(龍蝦價格由數量來決定)” SUmmUY 說道:“the price for ten kg quanity Is highter 3-5dollars than hundred kgs, and the price for hundred kgs Is highter 3dollars than three hundred kgs, the more you buy the cheaper (十公斤的數量與一百公斤的價格要貴3—5美元,一百公斤的數量與三百公斤的價格要貴3美元,購買數量越多越便宜)”
看樣子他們的生意經與中國人的思維理念一樣,那就好辦了,亦嘉想,於是問道:“understanding,plz tell me what‘s price If i purchase per 2 hundred kgs for every shipping”(