
&ot;but jacele de bellefort did not shoot ada doyle that we know for certa it is proved,&ot; expned poirot

&ot;her hband, then,&ot; said rs otterbourne, rallyg fro the blow &ot;the blood st and the sex stct - a sexual cri there are any well-known stances&ot;

&ot;r doyle was shot through the leg and he was ite unable to ove - the bone was fractured,&ot; expned lonel race &ot;he spent the night with dr bessner&ot;

rs otterbourne was even ore disappoted 射 searched her d hopefully

&ot;of urse!&ot; 射 said &ot;how foolish of ! iss bowers!&ot;

&ot;iss bowers?&ot;

&ot;yes naturally its clear psychologically repression! the repressed virg! addened by the sight of these o - a young hband and wife passionately love with each other of urse it was her! 射s jt the type - sexually unattractive, nately respectable y book, the barren ve -&ot;

lonel race terposed tactfully: &ot;your sugstions have been ost helpful, rs otterbourne we t t on with our job now thank you uch&ot;

he esrted her gallantly to the door and ca back wipg his brow

&ot;what a poo woan! whew! why didnt body urder her?&ot;

&ot;it ay yet happen,&ot; poirot nled hi

&ot;there ight be sense that who have we got left? penngton - well keep hi for the end, i thk richetti - fergon&ot;

signor richetti was very voble, very agitated

&ot;but what a horror, what an fay - a woan young and beautiful - deed an huan cri!&ot;

signor ric

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