在講述完畢後,她拿起水杯輕抿幾口,潤了潤因講述而略顯乾燥的喉嚨。她繼續說道:“To address this challenge, I have conducted several empirical experiments to explore possible solutions.”(“針對這一挑戰,我已經開展了幾個實證性的實驗,探索可能的解決方案。”)
“First, I tried to understand the main psychological problems and stressors that teenagers face at this stage through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. These data helped me form a more prehensive and targeted analysis.”程星欣解釋說。(“首先,我嘗試透過問卷調查和深度訪談,瞭解青少年在這一階段所面臨的主要心理問題和壓力源。這些資料幫助我形成了更為全面且針對性的分析。”)
“Second, I designed and implemented a series of interventions, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, emotion regulation training, and social skills development. I evaluated the effectiveness of these interventions by paring data from the experimental and control groups.”(“其次,我設計並實施了一系列干預措施,包括認知行為療法、情緒調節訓練以及社交技能培養等。我透過對比實驗組和對照組的資料,評估了這些干預措施的有效性。”)
她頓了頓,繼續道:“While preliminary results show some positive impact of certain interventions, there are some challenges and limitations. For example, for certain particular groups of adolescents, some interventions may not apply or have limited effectiveness.”(“雖然初步的結果顯示某些干預措施有一定的積極影響,但也存在一些挑戰和限制。例如,對於某些特定的青少年群體,某些干預措施可能並不適用或效果有限。”)