
nothg of that kd you can take y word for it abtely the old lady wouldnt hurt a fly&ot;

the reply ca with such positive assurance that there seed nothg ore to be said nevertheless poirot did terpolate one ild iry

&ot;does iss van schuyler suffer at all fro deafness?&ot;

&ot;as a atter of fact 射 does, onsieur poirot not that youd notice it any way, not if you were speakg to her, i an but ite often 射 doesnt hear you when you e to a roo thgs like that&ot;

&ot;do you thk 射 would have heard anyone ovg about rs doyles cab, which is next door to her own?&ot;

&ot;oh, i shouldnt thk - not for a ute you see, the bunk is the other side of the cab, not even agast the partition wall no, i dont thk 射 would have heard anythg&ot;

&ot;thank you, iss bowers&ot;

race said, &ot;perhaps you will now go back to the dg-saloon and wait with the others?&ot;

he opened the door for her and watched her go down the staircase and enter the saloon then he shut the door and ca back to the table poirot had picked up the pearls

&ot;well,&ot; said race grily, &ot;that reaction ca pretty ickly thats a very ol-headed and astute young woan - perfectly capable of holdg out on still further if 射 thks it suits her book what about iss arie van schuyler now? i dont thk we can eliate her fro the possible spects you know, 射 ight have itted urder to t hold of those jewels we cant take the nurses word for it 射s all out to do the best for the faily&ot;

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