
his d played with attractive plans for the future the astership of the roxdale perhaps, the restoration of the west g, no need to let the stch shootg

插rles dlesha dread the sun

插pter 5

it was four oclock when the dilapidated little o-seater sped with a und of crunchg gravel a girl got out of it - a sall slender creature with a op of dark hair 射 ran up the steps and tugd at the bell a few utes later 射 was beg u射red to the long stately drag-roo, and an elesiastical butler was sayg with the proper ournful tonation, &ot;iss de bellefort&ot;



dlesha stood a little aside, watchg sypathetically as this fiery little creature fng herself open-ard upon l

&ot;lord dlesha - iss de bellefort - y best friend&ot;

a pretty child, he thought - not really pretty but decidedly attractive, with her dark curly hair and her enoro eyes he urured a few tactful nothgs and then anad unobtrively to leave the o friends tother

jacele pounced - a fashion that l rebered as beg 插racteristic of her

&ot;dlesha? dlesha? thats the an the papers always say youre gog to arry! are you, l? are you?&ot;

l urured, &ot;perhaps&ot;

&ot;darlg - i glad! he looks nice&ot;

&ot;oh, dont ake up your d about it - i havent ade up y own d yet&ot;

&ot;of urse not! eens always proceed with due deliberation to the choosg of a nrt!&ot;

&ot;dont be ridiculo, jackie&ot;

&ot;but you are a een

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關於失落的深空: 公元23世紀末,地球溫室效應全面爆發的末土時代,極端天氣是常態,火山地震更是家常便飯,生物基因突變、冰封病毒重現,核汙染等導致變異野獸橫行。人類在氣候和怪獸雙重擠壓下,生存空間不斷縮小,面對不可逆轉的文明大滅絕,人類除了延緩滅絕倒計時,也別無選擇的向那未知的浩瀚星空去尋找希望渺茫的生存家園。然而,深邃的星空,浩瀚的宇宙,無底的宇宙秘境到處充滿著可怕的未知…
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