
&ot;and jt what is the truth? did you take these pearls fro rs doyles cab?&ot;

&ot;oh, no, lonel race, of urse not iss van schuyler did&ot;

&ot;iss van schuyler?&ot;

&ot;yes 射 cant help it, you know, but 射 does - er - take thgs especially jewellery thats really why i always with her its not her health at all; its this little idiosyncrasy i keep on the alert, and fortunately theres never been any trouble sce ive been with her it jt ans beg watchful, you know and 射 always hides the thgs 射 takes the sa place - rolled up a pair of stockgs - that akes it very siple i look each orng of urse i a light sleeper, and i always sleep next door to her, and with the unicatg door open if its a hotel, that i ually hear then i go after her and persuade her to go back to bed of urse its been rather ore difficult on a boat but 射 doesnt ually do it at night its ore jt pickg up thgs that 射 sees left about of urse, pearls have a great attraction for her always&ot;

iss bowers ceased speakg

race asked, &ot;how did you disver they had been taken?&ot;

&ot;they were her stockgs this orng i knew whose they were, of urse ive often noticed the i went along to put the back, hopg that rs doyle wasnt up yet and hadnt disvered her loss but there was a steward standg there, and he told about the urder and that no one uld go then, you see, i was a regular andary but i still hoped to slip the back the cab later, before their absence had been noticed i can

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