
插riot and i know - i know perfectly - that he wouldnt ever have fallen love with her if 射 hadnt ade hi&ot;

&ot;that is what you thk - yes&ot;

&ot;i know it he loved - he will always love &ot;

poirot said, &ot;even now?&ot;

a ick answer seed to rise to her lips, then be stifled 射 looked at poirot and a deep burng lour spread over her face 射 looked away; her head dropped down 射 said a low stifled voice:

&ot;yes, i know he hates now yes, hates hed better be careful!&ot;

with a ick sture 射 fubled a little silk bag that lay on the seat then 射 held out her hand on the pal of it was a sall pearl-handled pistol - a daty toy it looked

&ot;nice little thg, isnt it?&ot; 射 said &ot;looks too foolish to be real, but it is real! one of those bullets would kill a an or a woan and i a good shot&ot; 射 siled a faraway, reiscent sile &ot;when i went ho as a child with y other, to uth carola, y grandfather taught to shoot he was the old-fashioned kd that believes shootg - especially where honour is ncerned y father, too, he fought several duels as a young an he was a good swordsan he killed a an once that was over a woan you see, onsieur poirot -&ot; 射 t his eyes sarely - &ot;ive hot blood ! i bought this when it first happened i ant to kill one or other of the - the trouble was i uldnt decide which both of the would have been unsatisfactory if id thought l would have looked afraid - but 射s got plenty of physical ura 射 can stand up to p

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