
he lake with white…caps and beyond; the moon on the high snow mountains。 Then the clouds came over the moon again and the mountains and the lake were gone; but it was much lighter than it had been before and we could see the shore。 I could see it too clearly and pulled out where they would not see the boat if there were custom guards along the Pallanza road。 When the moon came out again we could see white villas on the shore on the slopes of the mountain and thewhite road where it showed through the trees。 All the time I was rowing。

The lake widened and across it on the shore at the foot of the mountains on the other side we saw a few lights that should be Luino。 I saw a wedgelike gap between the mountains on the other shore and I thought that must be Luino。 If it was we were making good time。 I pulled in the oars and lay back on the seat。 I was very; very tired of rowing。 My arms and shoulders and back ached and my hands were sore。

〃I could hold the umbrella;〃 Catherine said。 〃We could sail with that with the wind。〃

〃Can you steer?〃

〃I think so。〃

〃You take this oar and hold it under your arm close to the side of the boat and steer and I'll hold the umbrella。〃 I went back to the stern and showed her how to hold the oar。 I took the big umbrella the porter had given me and sat facing the bow and opened it。 It opened with a clap。 I held it on both sides; sitting astride the handle hooked over the seat。 The wind was full in it and I felt the

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喜歡你喜歡我的樣子 作者:烏雲冉冉

喜歡你喜歡我的樣子 作者:烏雲冉冉

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