第124章 只要我看到他安全回來,我就跟你走。 (第1/2頁)
傍晚,柳依伊和段修文在京元手下J.1的帶領下帶來領鳶城邊界地帶。 “Mr. Duan, Miss Liu, just walk on this road and you will enter the black area of Lingyuan City.” (段先生,柳小姐,從這條路往前走就進入了領鳶城的黑色地帶。) “依伊。”段修文拉住了正要往前走的柳依伊,“你在外圍等著,我跟著他們進去,如果救出星軟,你能有個接應,如果我一直沒出來……你就直接走。”裡面的情況他們都不清楚,柳依伊跟著進去他會不放心。 柳依伊從他手裡抽出胳膊,“如果在外圍等著,那就和等著逃跑沒什麼兩樣了,我可以答應你不走近,給你們添亂,但是我不能在這裡等著。”如果她在這裡等著,Cenmin根本就不可能現身了。 “好。”段修文看出她的堅決,沒有再說什麼,到時候留一些人在她身邊,應該不會有什麼問題。 一行人穿過樹林,隱隱約約能看到遠處的別墅。 “Miss Liu, please wait for us here. There are too many people to take action. Mr. Duan and I will take two people to investigate the situation. If the timing is right, we will use the cannon as an order. Could you please arrange for someone to e over? If we haven't e out for an hour, we will directly send someone to rush in and rescue Mr. Duan.” (柳小姐就在這裡等候我們吧,人太多不好行動,我和段先生帶兩個人探探情況,如果時機合適,以響炮為令,到時候麻煩柳小姐安排人過來,如果一個小時我們都沒有出來,那就直接派人衝進來救走段先生。) 安排完之後,J.1和段修文帶了兩個人朝著大門走去。 J.1警覺的偵查著附近的情況,靠近段修文輕聲說道,“Mr. Duan, there are two people guarding the entrance, but there are many people in the dark. The specific number is not very clear, so it seems that we cannot break through forcefully.” (段先生,門口有兩個人把守,但是暗處有很多人,具體的數目不太清楚看來不能硬闖了。) 明白J.1的意思後,段修文退後了一步,“That's up to you to arrange.” (那就聽你安排了。) J.1剛剛走近門口,就被把守的人拿槍阻擋了去路,“Who dares to trespass?” (什麼人敢擅闖?) “Hello, I am the person sent by Mr. Viwin to deliver a message to the woman who has just been arrested.”J.1整個人都顯得很淡定。 (你好,我是Viwin先生派來的人,想來給剛抓進來的女人傳個話。) 門口看守的人放下槍,跟旁邊的人耳語了幾句之後回答道,“He just went in, and that woman is still unconscious. If there is