but not in a panic … not even close to being in a panic。 〃Don't you tell Jack to stop;〃 he said in a low voice。 〃Whatever you do; don't tell him that。 It's too late to stop。〃
At first; when Del began to scream; the witnesses didn't hear him。 The rain on the tin roof had swelled to a roar; and the thunder was damned near continuous。 But those of us on the platform heard him; all right … choked howls of pain from beneath the smoking mask; sounds an animal caught and mangled in a hay…baler might make。
The hum from the cap was ragged and wild now; broken by bursts of what sounded like radio static。 Delacroix began to slam back and forth in the chair like a kid doing a tantrum。 The platform shook; and he hit the leather restraining belt almost hard enough to pop it。 The current was also twisting him from side to side; and I heard the crunching snap as his right shoulder either broke or dislocated。 It went with a sound like someone hitting a wooden crate with a sledgehammer。 The crotch of his pants; no more than a blur because of the short pistoning strokes of his legs; darkened。 Then he began to squeal; horrible sounds; high…pitched and ratlike; that were audible even over the rushing downpour。
〃What the hell's happening to him?〃 someone cried。
〃Are those clamps going to hold?〃
〃Christ; the smell! Phew!〃
Then; one of the two women: 〃Is this normal?〃
Delacroix snapped forward; dropped back; snapped forward; fell back。 Percy was stari