8:00 起床吃飯
8:30 和戈德里克一起練劍
9:30 和羅伊娜一起擺弄鍊金術
12:00 吃午飯
12:30 練豎琴
13:30 看書、寫作業
15:00 自由活動(完高布石、騎飛天掃帚)
16:30 練豎琴
17:30 看書
18:20 和赫加爾一起做晚飯
19:00 和薩拉查一起去搗鼓天文學
20:00 自由活動(五個人一起玩)
22:00 睡前故事(念阿尼馬格斯的咒語)
22:30 睡覺
“double, double toil and trouble(不憚辛勞不憚煩)
fire burn, and caldron bubble;(釜中沸沫已成瀾)
double, double toil and trouble,(不憚辛勞不憚煩)
thg wicked this way es (必有惡人來)
eye of newt, and toe of frog (蠑螈之眼青蛙趾)
wool of bat, and tongue of dog;(蝙蝠之毛犬之齒)
adders fork, and bld-wors stg(蝮舌如叉蚯蚓刺)
lizards leg, and owlets g(蜥蜴之足梟之翅)
double, double toil and trouble,(不憚辛勞不憚煩)
fire burn, and caldron bubble;(釜中沸沫已成瀾)
double, double toil and trouble,(不憚辛勞不憚煩)
thg wicked this way es (必有惡人來)
the caldron boil and bake,(臠以為片煮至熟)
fillet of a fenny snake;(沼地蟒蛇取其肉)
scale of dragon; tooth of wolf,(豺狼之牙巨龍鱗)
witches uy; aw and gulf(千年巫師貌猙獰)
double, double toil and trouble;(不憚辛勞不憚煩)
fire burn, and caldron bubble(釜中沸沫已成瀾)
double, double toil and trouble,(不憚辛勞不憚煩)
fire burn, and caldron bubble;(釜中沸沫已成瀾)
double, double toil and trouble,(不憚辛勞不憚煩)
fire burn, and caldron bubble(釜中沸沫已成瀾)
thg wicked this way es (必有惡人來)”