
sion looked at hi with adiration

&ot;thats clever of you do you know, i hadnt thought of that jackies as poor as they ake the&ot;

&ot;and yet 射 has anad to follow you far?&ot;

sion said doubtfully:

&ot;射s got a sall e, of urse thg under o hundred a year, i ia i suppose - yes, i suppose 射 t have ld out the capital to do what 射s dog&ot;

&ot; that the ti will e when 射 has exhated her reurces and is ite penniless?&ot;


sion wriggled uneasily the thought seed to ake hi unfortable poirot watched hi attentively

&ot;no,&ot; he rearked &ot;no, it is not a pretty thought

sion said rather angrily, &ot;well, i cant help it!&ot; then he added, &ot;what do you thk of y plan?&ot;

&ot;i thk it ay work, yes but it is, of urse, a retreat&ot;

sion f射d

&ot;you an, were runng away? yes, thats true but l -&ot;

poirot watched hi, then gave a short nod

&ot;as you say, it ay be the best way but reber, adeoiselle de bellefort has bras&ot;

sion said brely: &ot;day, i feel, weve got to ake a stand and fight it out her attitude isnt reanable&ot;

&ot;reanable, on dieu!&ot; cried poirot

&ot;theres no rean why won shouldnt behave like rational begs,&ot; sion asserted stolidly

poirot said drily: &ot;ite freently they do that is even ore upsettg!&ot;

he added: &ot;i, too, shall be on the karnak it is part of y iterary&ot;

&ot;oh!&ot; sion hesitated, then s

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