第44頁 (第1/4頁)
&ot;you heard a kd of splash? near at hand?&ot;
fanthorp shook his head
&ot;really, i uldnt say i was half asleep&ot;
&ot;and what ti would that be?&ot;
&ot;it ight have been about one oclock i cant really say&ot;
&ot;thank you, onsieur fanthorp that is all&ot;
poirot turned his attention to rnelia
&ot;and now, adeoiselle robn? your full na?&ot;
&ot;rnelia ruth and y address is the red hoe, bellfield, nnecticut&ot;
&ot;what brought you to egypt?&ot;
&ot; arie, iss van schuyler, brought along on a trip&ot;
&ot;had you ever t ada doyle previo to this journey?&ot;
&ot;no, never&ot;
&ot;and what did you do last night?&ot;
&ot;i went right to bed after helpg dr bessner with r doyles leg&ot;
&ot;your cab is -?&ot;
&ot;forty-three on the port side - right next door to iss de bellefort&ot;
&ot;and did you hear anythg?&ot;
rnelia shook her head
&ot;i didnt hear a thg&ot;
&ot;no splash?&ot;
&ot;no, but then i wouldnt, becae the boats agast the bank on y side&ot;
poirot nodded
&ot;thank you, adeoiselle robn now perhaps you will be kd as to ask adeoiselle bowers to e here&ot;
fanthorp and rnelia went out
&ot;that sees clear enough,&ot; said race &ot;unless three dependent witnesses are lyg, jacele de bellefort uldnt have got hold of the pistol but body did and body overheard the scene and body was bold enough