
c sailg are the norandie the norandie, i reber, sailed o days after the caranic&ot;

for a ont the other was at a loss his eyes wavered

lonel race weighed with tellg effect

&ot;e now, r penngton,&ot; he said &ot;weve several reans for believg that you ca over on the norandie and not by the caranic, as you said that case, you received rs doyles letter before you left new york its no good denyg it, for its the easiest thg the world to check up the steaship panies&ot;

andrew penngton felt absent-dedly for a 插ir and sat down his face was ipassive - a poker face behd that ask his agile bra looked ahead to the next ove

&ot;ill have to hand it to you, ntlen youve been too sart for but i had y reans for actg as i did&ot;

&ot;no doubt&ot; races tone was curt

&ot;if i give the to you, it t be understood i do nfidence&ot;

&ot;i thk you can trt to behave fittgly naturally i cannot give assurances bldly&ot;

&ot;well -&ot; penngton sighed &ot;ill e clean there was onkey bess gog on england it worried i uldnt do uch about it by letter the only thg was to e over and see for yself&ot;

&ot;what do you an by onkey bess?&ot;

&ot;id good rean to believe that l was beg sdled&ot;

&ot;by who?&ot;

&ot;her british lawyer now thats not the kd of aation you can flg around anyhow i ade up y d to e over right away and see to atters yself&ot;

&ot;that does great credit to your vigilance, i a sure but

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