
i&039;ll never break your heart 也不會讓你心碎

and i swear by the oon and the stars the sky我發誓,當著天上的星星月亮

i&039;ll be there 我會在你左右

i swear like a shadow that&039;s byyour se 我發誓,如同守候你的背影

i&039;ll be there 我會在你左右

for better or worse till death do part 無論豐腴困厄,至死不渝

i&039;ll love you with every beat of y heart 心跳不息,我對你的愛就無止境

and i swear 我發誓

i&039;ll give you every thg i can 我願給你一切我所能給的

i&039;ll build your dreas with these o hands 用雙手為你築夢

we&039;ll hang ories on the walls 將最美好的回憶掛在牆上

and when ( and when ) jt the o of are

there 當你我獨處

you won&039;t have to ask if i still care 你不在對我的愛存疑

&039;cae as the ti turns the pa 任時光荏苒

y love won&039;t a at all 我的愛永不老去

and i swear by the oon and the stars the sky我發誓,當著天上的星星月亮

i&039;ll be there, i&039;ll be there 我會在你左右,我會在你左右

i swear like the shadow that&039;s byyour se 我發誓,如同守候你的背影

i&039;ll be there, i&039;ll be there 我會在你左右,我會在你左右

for better or worse 無論豐腴困厄

till death do part 至死不渝

i&039;ll love you with every beat of y heart 心跳不息,我對你的愛就無止境 and i swear 我發誓

i swear by the oon and stars the sky我發誓,當著天上的星星月亮

i&039;ll be there, i&039;ll be there 我會在你左右,我會在你左右

i swear like the shadow that&039;s byyour se 我發誓,如同守候你的背影

i&039;ll be there, i&039;ll be there 我會在你左右,我會在你左右

for better or worse 無論豐腴困厄

till death do part 至死不渝

i&039;ll love you with every

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關於步步為癮: 初見時,季安之冷著臉跟蘇黎說,這是第一次,也是最後一次。第二次,第三次以後,蘇黎心裡狠狠的罵道:狗男人,果然男人的話都不能聽。許多年以後,季安之看著躺在身邊睡覺的蘇黎,心裡嘆了口氣:果然同一個女人,不能超過三次,否則真的會出事。一場始於交易,忠於愛情的選擇,只願...不忘初心。
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關於快穿妖女的勾引遊戲: 蘇妙妙是一隻九尾狐,那張臉堪稱絕世傾城,美到令人窒息,因為天生媚骨,擾亂了天道法則,被雷劫劈了半死,陰差陽錯繫結了系統,開啟了自己以愛意和慾望為食得求生之旅。女主心機美人,攻略向,微萬人迷,男主男配修羅場滿天飛,含強取豪奪梗。
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