
why the little deception about not havg received the letter?&ot;

&ot;well, i ask you -&ot; penngton spread out his hands &ot;you cant butt on a honeyoon uple without ore or less g down to brass tacks and givg your reans i thought it best to ake the etg aidental besides, i didnt know anythg about the hband he ight have been ixed up the racket for all i knew&ot;

&ot; fact all your actions were actuated by pure disterestedness,&ot; said lonel race drily

&ot;youve said it, lonel&ot;

there was a pae race glanced at poirot the little an leant forward

&ot;onsieur penngton, we do not believe a word of your story -&ot;

&ot;the hell you dont! and what the hell do you believe?&ot;

&ot;we believe that l ridways unexpected arria put you a fancial andary that you ca over post haste to try and fd way out of the ss you were - that is to say, way of gag ti that, with that end view, you endeavoured to obta ada doyles signature to certa docunts - and failed that on the journey up the nile, when walkg along the cliff at abu sibel, you dislodd a boulder which fell and only very narrowly issed its object -&ot;

&ot;youre crazy&ot;

&ot;we believe that the sa kd of circtances ourred on the return journey that is to say, an opportunity presented itself of puttg ada doyle out of the way at a ont when her death would be alost certaly ascribed to the action of another pern we not only believe, but know, that it was your revolver which

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關於銀河新篇續: 以牛郎之子牛經宇和之女牛嬌鮮成立星際旅遊公司為主線,以大上老君之子李雲遊和哥倫布子孫施廣野等北斗七所尖端大學畢業高材生為輔線發揮各人聰明才智,與銀河生命和平共處,探索宇宙奧秘,穿越星際空間。
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關於九叔!任老爺家又鬧殭屍啦!: 一隻青蛙跳下水,兩隻眼睛四條腿,撲騰撲騰蹬了腿,沾上辣椒進了嘴!哇!我被五步蛇咬了,不要怕,倒退五步可解五步蛇之毒。殭屍來了???不要急,拿自拍杆頂住,先拍個照先!
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