
thg his tone flicked the other an on the raw he asked angrily, &ot;what the devil do you an?&ot;

poirot replied with an air of engagg frankness: &ot;i was wonderg, r penngton, whether l ridways sudden arria caed any - nsternation, your office?&ot;


&ot;that was the word i ed&ot;

&ot;what the hell are you drivg at?&ot;

&ot;thg ite siple are l doyles affairs the perfect order they should be?&ot;

penngton rose to his feet

&ot;thats enough i through&ot; he ade for the door

&ot;but you will answer y estion first?&ot;

penngton snapped, &ot;theyre perfect order&ot;

&ot;you were not alard when the news of l ridways arria reached you that you ru射d over to europe by the first boat and stad an apparently fortuito etg egypt&ot;

penngton ca back toward the he had hiself under ntrol once ore

&ot;what you are sayg is abte balderdash! i didnt even know that l was arried till i t her cairo i was utterly astoni射d her letter t have issed by a day new york it was forwarded and i got it about a week later&ot;

&ot;you ca over by the caranic, i thk you said&ot;

&ot;thats right&ot;

&ot;and the letter reached new york after the caranic sailed?&ot;

&ot;how any tis have i got to repeat it?&ot;

&ot;it is stran,&ot; said poirot

&ot;whats stran?&ot;

&ot;that on your gga there are no labels of the caranic the only recent labels of transatlanti

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