
tie is the old school tie, and there are certa thgs (i know this fro experience) that the old school tie does not do! one of those thgs, onsieur fanthorp, is to butt to a private nversation unasked when one does not know the people who are nductg it&ot;

fanthorp stared

poirot went on: &ot;but the other day, onsieur fanthorp, that is exactly what you did do certa perns were ietly transactg private bess the observation saloon you strolled near the, obvioly order to overhear what it was that was progress, and presently you actually turned round and ngratulated a lady - ada sion doyle - on the undness of her bess thods&ot;

ji fanthorps face got very red poirot swept on, not waitg for a nt

&ot;now that, onsieur fanthorp, was not at all the behaviour of one who wears a tie siilar to that worn by y friend hastgs! hastgs is all delicacy, would die of sha before he did such a thg! therefore, takg that action of yours njunction with the fact that you are a very young an to be able to afford an expensive holiday, that you are a ber of a untry licitors fir, and therefore probably not extravagantly well off, and that you show no signs of recent illness such as ight necessitate a prolond visit abroad, i ask yself - and a now askg you - what is the rean for your presence on this boat?&ot;

ji fanthorp jerked his head back

&ot;i decle to give you any ration whatever, onsieur poirot i really thk you t be ad&ot;

&ot;i a not ad i a very, ver

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