第302章 滿月篇(案件結束) (第1/3頁)
“those are my daddy’s glasses.(爸爸的眼鏡...)”小女孩看著女人手中的眼鏡說道。
“how is he doing?Is he asleep already?(爸爸怎麼了?已經睡著了嗎?)he promised me a bedtime story...(他答應我睡覺前給我念故事書的...)”小女孩看著不遠處躺著的男人懵懂的、傷心的說道。
“So.will you be with daddy nntil he wakes up?(那麼在爸爸醒來之前你能待在他身邊嗎?)”女人看著小女孩笑著說道。
“And you set the fire that burned our house to ashes.(然後你就放了火把一切都燒成了灰。)”
“my father’s file on you was in the house.he secretly worked on it the FbI.(連同身為FbI調查員的爸爸秘密收集的你們的調查資料一起。)”
“I survived,however,because I went shopping later for his favorite orange juice that wake him up...(可是我得救了...因為隨後我就出去買爸爸起來時要喝的橙汁了...)”
“oh,was that you the little girl?(哦,你就是那時的小女孩嗎...)I looked for you desperately...(我找你很久了...)”
“because they only found out your parents’ remains in the burnt house...(因為在廢墟中只找到你父母的骨骸...)”
“my father’s colleagues were proteeting me.they put me in the witness protection program...(爸爸的朋友保護了我...他們幫我辦理了證人保護計劃)”朱蒂看著貝爾摩德說道。
“I see. It’s a silly program,they protect witnesses who risk their lives by giving them a new name,address and profile.(啊...我知道那個為了保護有生命危險的證人,讓他們改變姓名地址成為另一個人的愚蠢手續...)”
“that explains it. You took his job to pursue me as daddy’s good girl.(原來如此?你勇敢的沿著你父親的腳印繼續追捕我...)這裡是日本......入鄉隨俗用日語交談吧?FbI的朱蒂·聖提米利翁調查員?”貝爾摩德將那個東西拿在手裡,閉著眼睛對著朱蒂說道。