第66頁 (第2/4頁)
y, and while 射 unted it 射 was pletely off her guard the urderer struck havg done suessfully, he gathered up the oney and fled - not noticg that the rner of one of the notes was torn&ot;
&ot;we ay t hi that way,&ot; sugsted race doubtfully
&ot;i doubt it,&ot; said poirot &ot;he will exae those notes, and will probably notice the tear of urse if he were of a parsionio disposition he would not be able to brg hiself to destroy a ille note - but i fear - i very uch fear that his teperant is jt the opposite&ot;
&ot;how do you ake that out?&ot;
&ot;both this cri and the urder of ada doyle deanded certa alities - ura, audacity, bold execution, lightng action; those alities do not aord with a savg, prudent disposition&ot;
race shook his head sadly &ot;id better t bessner down,&ot; he said
the stout doctors exaation did not take long aopanied by a good any achs and s, he went to work
&ot;射 has been dead not ore than an hour,&ot; he announced &ot;death it was very ick - at once&ot;
&ot;and what weapon do you thk was ed?&ot;
&ot;ach, it is terestg, that it was thg very sharp, very th, very delicate i uld show you the kd of thg&ot;
back aga his cab he opened a case and extracted a long, delicate, surgical knife
&ot;it was thg like that, y friend; it was not a on table knife&ot;
&ot;i suppose,&ot; sugsted race othly, &ot;that none of your own knives are - er - issg, doctor?&ot;
bessner stared at hi