第18頁 (第1/4頁)
&ot;as you say, any thgs have ourred&ot;
her voice was hard with an undertone of desperate bitterness
&ot;adeoiselle, i speak as a friend bury your dead!&ot;
射 looked startled
&ot;what do you an?&ot;
&ot;give up the past! turn to the future! what is done is done bitterness will not undo it&ot;
&ot;i sure that that would suit dear l adirably&ot;
poirot ade a sture
&ot;i a not thkg of her at this ont! i a thkg of you you have suffered - yes - but what you are dog now will only prolong that sufferg&ot;
射 shook her head
&ot;youre wrong there are tis when i alost enjoy yself&ot;
&ot;and that, adeoiselle, is the worst of all&ot;
射 looked up swiftly
&ot;youre not stupid,&ot; 射 said 射 added slowly, &ot;i believe you an to be kd&ot;
&ot;go ho, adeoiselle you are young; you have bras; the world is before you&ot;
jacele shook her head slowly
&ot;you dont understand - or you wont sion is y world&ot;
&ot;love is not everythg, adeoiselle,&ot; poirot said ntly &ot;it is only when we are young that we thk it is&ot;
but the girl still shook her head
&ot;you dont understand&ot; 射 shot hi a ick look &ot;you know all about it, of urse? youve talked to l? and you were the restaurant that night sion and i loved each other&ot;
&ot;i know that you loved hi&ot;
射 was ick to perceive the flection of his words 射 repeated with ephasis:
&ot;we love