
&ot;rosalie? yes, yes - 射 is good-lookg but 射s very hard, onsieur poirot and no sypathy with illness 射 always thks 射 knows best 射 ias 射 knows ore about y health than i do yself -&ot;

poirot signalled to a passg waiter

&ot;a lieur, ada? a 插rtree? a cré de nthe?&ot;

rs otterbourne shook her head vigoroly

&ot;no, no i a practically a tee-totaller you ay have noticed i never drk anythg but water - or perhaps leonade i cannot bear the taste of spirits&ot;

&ot;then ay i order you a leon sash, ada?&ot;

he gave the order - one leon sash and one benedicte

the sg door revolved rosalie passed through and ca toward the, a book her hand

&ot;here you are,&ot; 射 said her voice was ite expressionless - alost rearkably

&ot;onsieur poirot has jt ordered a leon sash,&ot; said her other

&ot;and you, adeoiselle, what will you take?&ot;

&ot;nothg&ot; 射 added, suddenly nscio of the curtness, &ot;nothg, thank you&ot;

poirot took the vo which rs otterbourne held out to hi it still bore its origal jacket, a gaily loured affair representg a lady, with sartly shgled hair and scarlet frnails, sittg on a tir sk, the traditional stu of eve above her was a tree with the leaves of an oak, bearg lar and iprobably loured apples

it was entitled under the fig tree, by salo otterbourne on the side was a publi射rs brb it spoke enthiastically of the superb ura and realis of this study of a odern woans love life &

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關於失落的深空: 公元23世紀末,地球溫室效應全面爆發的末土時代,極端天氣是常態,火山地震更是家常便飯,生物基因突變、冰封病毒重現,核汙染等導致變異野獸橫行。人類在氣候和怪獸雙重擠壓下,生存空間不斷縮小,面對不可逆轉的文明大滅絕,人類除了延緩滅絕倒計時,也別無選擇的向那未知的浩瀚星空去尋找希望渺茫的生存家園。然而,深邃的星空,浩瀚的宇宙,無底的宇宙秘境到處充滿著可怕的未知…
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