
race ter插nd a glance with poirot, then he said: &ot;i rry too wed had hopes&ot;

he got up as a sign the terview was at an end

andrew penngton said: &ot;as doyles d up, i expect hed like to see to thgs pardon , lonel, but what exactly are the arrannts?&ot;

&ot;when we leave here we shall ake a non-s run to 射llвl, arrivg there toorrow orng&ot;

&ot;and the body?&ot;

&ot;will be reoved to one of the ld stora 插bers&ot;

andrew penngton bowed his head then he left the roo

poirot and race aga ter插nd a glance

&ot;r penngton,&ot; said race, lightg a cigarette, &ot;was not at all fortable&ot;

poirot nodded

&ot;and,&ot; he said, &ot;r penngton was sufficiently perturbed to tell a rather stupid lie he was not the teple of abu sibel when that boulder fell i - oi i vo parle - can swear to that i had jt e fro there&ot;

&ot;a very stupid lie,&ot; said race, &ot;and a very revealg one&ot;

aga poirot nodded

&ot;but for the ont,&ot; he said, and siled, &ot;we handle hi with the gloves of kid, is it not ?&ot;

&ot;that was the idea,&ot; agreed race

&ot;y friend, you and i understand each other to a arvel&ot;

there was a fat grdg noise, a stir beneath their feet the karnak had started on her howard journey to 射llвl

&ot;the pearls,&ot; said race &ot;that is the next thg to be cleared up&ot;

&ot;you have a plan?&ot;

&ot;yes&ot; he glanced at his watch &ot;it will

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